Hallo Ihr Lieben! Toll, dass ihr wieder hier seid!
Heute habe ich eine "Papiertüten-Karte" gemacht. Das Motiv ist "Tilda With A Big Big Rose" von Magnolia aus der "Pink Lemonade Collection". Das Designpapier ist natürlich wieder von Maja Design aus der "Vintage Autum Basic Collection". Die Blumen habe ich wieder selber mit Foamiran gemacht. Am ende des Post zeige ich euch noch ein Video Tutorial wie ich die gemacht habe! ;0)
Hello my dears! Great that you are here again!
Today I made a "paper bag card". The stamp is called "Tilda With A Big Big Rose" by Magnolia from the "Pink Lemonade Collection". The design paper is of course again from Maja Design from the "Vintage Autum Basic Collection". The flowers I made myself with Foamiran. At the end of this post I show you a Video Tutorial how I made them! ;0)
Hi Wow she is stunning and the design is beautiful and thank you for the tutorial and for inspiring us all !! Thank you for joining us in The Midweek Magnolias Challenge ;0)
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My name is Diana and I live with my hubby and my beautiful little doughter in a village in west Germany. Here I would like to share with you my love for my crafty hobby! Enjoy you visit!
Hi Wow she is stunning and the design is beautiful and thank you for the tutorial and for inspiring us all !! Thank you for joining us in The Midweek Magnolias Challenge ;0)
AntwortenLöschenWhat cane I say....... Only I LOVE IT....
AntwortenLöschenHugs Bianca.
lovely!!! thanks for joining us at Paradise of Magnolia...
AntwortenLöschenThank you for playing with us at Paradise of Magnolia.